The texture is full original fighterZ, literally you can not find even slight difference between Textures of this game and fighter Z.
Goku Blue – Goku has his Base, Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue form in this mod. You don’t have to unlock any Characters as they all are already Unlocked. All Characters Unlocked – this is one of the amazing features of this mod. Same Homepage – Along with the Characters selection menu this game also has same interface as Fighter Z. This new menu looks almost 100% same as FighterZ. Menu – Now one more bonus Fact is that by downloading this mod you get a new Character selection menu under the game. Models – The way Textures looks in both games are almost same with slight difference as DBZ fighter Z is for PS4 and Tap battle is for Android. Intense fighting – The gameplay of both game is very intense and full of combos, Instant attacks and Firings. 2D graphics – Both game has 2D gameplay. DBZ Tap Battle and FighterZ: Similarities This game has many similarities with Fighterz That is listed below. This game was first released in March 2013 and is still on of the most popular game among other Dragon Ball Android games. Still, watching Patrick Star perform Buu’s falling asleep outro is rather amusing.DBZ Tap Battle is an official Dragon Ball Z Game with only 13 Characters in its original version but since I am providing mod Apk this game has more than 13 Characters and even more new Characters of Dragon ball super. If Buu’s voice wasn’t a dead giveaway to this, then the fact that Patrick Star (as shown below) utilizes Buu’s “You know what…I hate you!” super attack makes this skin and color alteration obvious. Nevertheless, the mod makes Patrick Star available in the game, as what appears to be a skin replacing Majin Buu with the starfish. It seems that the modder even acknowledged that “ don’t even know why I do stuff like this.”
However, one modder decided the game needed a character from Bikini Bottom (but decided against the titular SpongeBob SquarePants).
With the game’s fighting roster composed of various franchise heroes and villains, Dragon Ball FighterZ isn’t exactly lacking in the diversity department. However, it seems unlikely that these gamers were waiting on, or even expecting, a Patrick Star mod for the game. Considering the PC player base is down 80%, many gamers may be waiting for various updates to the 2.5D fighting game before returning. Although Dragon Ball FighterZ had a highly successful launch, it isn’t doing so well on PC at the moment.